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Glorious Intruder

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Glorious Intruder Summer 1994
  • The central theme of all mankind is a fresh revelation of the cross, which will bring explosions of resurrection power, glory, and miracles.
  • The only key that unlocks the throne of God is the blood of the Lamb.
  • Beach heads or revival centers will strategically be targeted in various cities throughout the earth.
  • My Knights of the Round Table, the apostolic generals of the Lord, will receive fresh revelation, prophetic time tables, and knowledge of underground espionage, as we fight together in the Lamb's war.
  • Brilliant entrepreneurs, or secret service agents for the King, will infiltrate world governments and societies on every level.
  • Prophetic ministries, the power brokers of the Kingdom of God, will move through world banking systems, and will be brought in front of kings, queens, presidents, and dictators.
  • An intricate underground network of people, planes, and ships will rescue the Jews in various nations.

The dry bones of the Church will be revived, as described in Ezekiel 37 and Acts 2, to advance the Kingdom of God so we can go out and restore the bones in the graveyards of the world.

Prophetically, the child Isaac, which means "Laughter," is being released in nation after nation as the new wine is being passed.

God is bringing a fresh outpouring of His Spirit all over the earth. It's a global move. What is beginning now is a picture of what will be world-wide.

I am going to release to you My glory and My power and My divine strategies and My divine revelations like you have never seen before in your life. It's a new chapter...a new age...a new decade. It's a pressing forward into a brand new outpouring of My Spirit. It's not the decade of the 60's or 70's or 80's. I'm advancing My Kingdom.

A militant radical army of God is being formed.

I'm going to cause you to rise up as a mighty militant army for the decade of the 90's. As you come together as a mighty army, I have a fresh outpouring and a fresh work for you to do. I'm going to give you courage to be strong and to be part of that militant church. I'm going to give you courage to pass through the River of Jordan...just like my son Joshua. He passed through and became a militant generation full of My fire and full of the glory cloud of God.

I want My people to be a part of a faceless generation where 1,000's and 1,000's of My men, women, and children will be moving in the power of the Holy Spirit. Millions will be saved, healed, and delivered.

Jesus is revealing His glory through miracles, signs, and wonders.

I'm going to open your eyes and you're going to see the glory of the Lord. You'll see people raised from the dead and you're going to see miracles and things moving in your decade that you have never thought possible. The move of God is not just power like the "force" in Star Wars. It is the resurrection power of the cross and presence of Jesus. God wants to move with His presence in a fresh, deep way.

God is strategically stirring the nations and changing the governments of the world and the Church.

My wind and My breath are moving once again in the nations and there is a freedom of the King of Glory that is moving once again. There are fresh strategies moving My nations. Just as My finger is moving and redefining the borders of the nations throughout the earth, so am I redefining the Church to prepare you for My Bridegroom.

There are prophetic time clocks for the different nations to reveal God's sovereign global purposes.

It's a sovereign move. It's a prophetic time clock of My Spirit that is turning. The nations are full of the glory of the Lord. It's like different nations have different amounts of the glory and the brightness. There are different time clocks on different nations. I'm ticking it off. There are explosions of My anointing and My glory. The time clock is moving forward. You will be a part of the great end time harvest that I am bringing to the earth. So there are choices.

"Just as My finger is moving and redefining the borders of the nations throughout th earth, so am I redefining the Church to prepare you for My Bridegroom." The Bride of Christ is being prepared for the King of Glory.

The Bridegroom is coming for the Bride. There are fresh promises and fresh revealings of My Spirit and of My glory that's coming forth.

Apostolic teams will network and be equipped with guerilla warfare strategies, visitations, and revelations for this decade of the 90's.

I am going to be forming apostolic and governmental teams on a local, city, national, and international level. I'm forming them in a way that hasn't been completely revealed. It's like a gigantic global chess game where the Lord is strategically moving the players and getting them in position. They're going to be moving with strategies from the heavens and from My Throne Room - new things from the Spirit of the living God. Just like the occult is forming new ranks, I tell you says the Lord God, I'm going to release the outpouring of My Spirit and give fresh divine visitations and divine strategies like the earth has never seen!

Apostolic fathers in cities throughout the world will open up the gates for the King of Glory to come in.

The Captain of the Host, the Lord Jesus, is moving the armies of the heavens and are engaged in battle. Yes, it's a great battle but I'm going to equip you in a fresh new way for the Kingdom of God is advancing and the violent will take it by force.

This fresh move of God is so divine - so holy -- so awesome, so big, and so sovereign! God wants us to see a larger vision of His purposes! He wants you to see your city and church full of the glory of God. He wants you to see your nation full of the glory and the presence of the Lord, with angels moving up and down the earth.

Homecoming: the prodigals and the lost will return to the Lord in an awesome harvest.

There is a great harvest and I'm asking you to be fishermen with huge nets to pull out into the deep water and bring the sea of humanity into the house of God. Strengthen your nets because the fish are coming. Every believer is called to be a "fish cleaner." The sound of the trumpet is heard throughout the world - "All hands on deck!"

Warning...focus not on the unusual power manifestations of the Holy Spirit, but focus on passion for Jesus..

The marriage of the Word and the Spirit will bring fresh revelation during this decade.

Fruit That Remains - Summer 1994
Testimonies to the everlasting glory of God

The Cross - Vancouver and Cambridge, Canada

The Lord gripped the peoples' hearts to be radical and on fire for the nineties, challenging them to embrace the cross and even martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel. A powerful message on the cross ushered in the holiness of God that brought a reverent fear of the Lord into the room. A nine year old boy had a vision of four crosses - he was on one of them. The Lord asked him if he would be willing to lay down his life for Jesus and he cried out, "Yes! I love you Jesus!" His mother immediately burst into tears. It was a very sobering moment. Fiery prophetic preaching about the cross brought overflow crowds to the front for ministry. A school teacher had a vision of Jesus on the cross and she was beholding Him for almost an hour, weeping as she had never done in her entire life. Whether her eyes were opened or closed, she was there at the cross with Jesus, seeing what He had done for her and recognizing her sinfulness as never before.

The Heart of Jesus - Hastings, New Zealand

As the Holy Spirit fell, people were seeing: Jesus standing in the back of the room weeping with His arms outstretched and calling for people to come to Him, the cross and what Jesus did for mankind to the point that the person couldn't look any longer, people receiving calls to missions, intercession and travail for the lost coming on children (10-12 year olds) as well as adults, fiery mantles being given to people along with strategies to carry out their callings, intercessory burdens for the unborn, prophetic utterances, people having throne room experiences, power encounters as people went through deliverance when the fire of God fell on them, testimonies of significant healings, seasons of repentance, times of absolute silence as the whole room was on their faces before a holy God,people being shaken powerfully as if by an invisible hand, laughter and joy breaking out all over the room. What we saw the Lord doing there was very similar to accounts Jonathan Edwards wrote of in his meetings over a century ago.

"As the Holy Spirit fell, people were seeing: Jesus standing in the back of the room weeping with His arms outstretched and calling for people to come to Him, the cross and what Jesus did for mankind to the point that the person couldn't look any longer, people receiving calls to missions, intercession and travail for the lost coming on children (10-12 year olds) as well as adults, fiery mantles being given to people along with strategies to carry out their callings"

The Decade of the Harvest- Christchurch, New Zealand

The Holy Spirit had a different agenda for Christchurch but it was powerful. He was emphasizing the fact that the anointing was not an in-house experience (only to be personally edified) but it was being given lavishly to equip the people to go out into the harvest (to give it away). The Lord called the 90's "The Decade of the Harvest" and said that He wanted people to be "walking flames of fire" and to be full of the presence of God to bring in the harvest. The Lord also said, "You feel that even evangelism has to be sober. It was the greatest joy of My life that you became living witnesses!!! I love it! I sent My Spirit for you to do it! I'm filling you to be part of My work!" People were having visions of lost family members, visions of hell, Jesus looking for His lost sheep and weeping over them, seeing masses of people engulfed in flames, hearts being branded for lost souls. A young man had his eyes closed during worship and saw the cross blazing with fire. He saw Jesus walk through the cross, covered in fire. It wasn't as though the fire was on Him...He was fire! Jesus began to throw fire out on the people to brand them with a heart for lost souls.

An Angel of Authority - Santa Barbara, California

A pastor had an open-eyed vision and saw a huge angel of authority hovering over a cross in the front of the church. The Lord told her that it took days for this angel to break through the warfare to come there. She saw hot molten lava flowing out of the cross to the hundreds of people being ministered to in the meeting. Also, she saw many angels ministering to the children and adults.
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