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America Under Attack
Dear Friends,

Like everyone else, I’ve been processing this tragic and sobering event. What a time this is in history as we all reflect and ask the Lord how to make sense of this horrendous catastrophe. As I looked at the tender and wounded hearts of the American people, I felt such compassion from the Lord. His hot tears are falling on this blood-soaked battlefield. We have lost so many loved ones and He weeps with us in this painful hour.

May we be His arms of compassion and His voice of love to bring healing and mercy to others. He desires to comfort the broken-hearted and draw all men unto Himself. May we all join hands and pray that the Lord will meet people in their deepest need during this hour of sorrow.

In writing this prophetic word, it is a call to heighten our awareness that we fight not against flesh and blood, but against evil powers, principalities and the forces of darkness. We are engaged in a great war for souls, partnering with the glorious man Christ Jesus. It is a call for unrelenting prayer during this historic time. Will we become the history makers?

America Under Attack - September 11, 2001
By Jill Austin

When America was hit all the nations gasped and held their breath. America symbolizes world peace as a Gatekeeper nation and I hear the Lord saying, “This is that! It has begun –the beginning of the end.”

Intercessors and Watchmen on the Wall

"Consider now! Call for the wailing women to come; send for the most skillful of them. Let them come quickly and wail over us till our eyes overflow with tears and water streams from our eyelids. The sound of wailing is heard from Zion: 'How ruined we are! How great is our shame! We must leave our land because our houses are in ruins.'

Now, O women, hear the word of the LORD; open your ears to the words of his mouth. Teach your daughters how to wail; teach one another a lament. Death has climbed in through our windows and has entered our fortresses; it has cut off the children from the streets and the young men from the public squares.”
Jeremiah 9:17-21

New World Order

Evil, wealthy men, the power brokers of the unrighteous, are plotting and putting into place their blueprint plans to take over the free world. Behind the terrorist in the media’s spotlight are the satanically inspired, dark visionaries who finance and choreograph these horrendous acts against society for their own selfish gain.

Hidden in the murky shadows of destiny is a sinister network that has intricately woven its fiendish web throughout the nations. In all aspects of life, from everyday people in the marketplace to the highest ranks of military and governmental offices, demonic influence is rapidly increasing.

Many so-called retired world leaders use their influence and wealth to move players on the chessboard of the New World Government. They are gaining in their ability to transfer power and wealth and wipe out whole people groups. This is nothing new as we have seen in Israel for the past 53 years but that reality pierced the hearts of the American people on the morning of September 11, 2001 when our financial and military power centers were shaken to the core.

World War III

This bold strike against America is like Pearl Harbor’s surprise attack in 1941. It awakened the sleeping giant of America and catapulted us into World War II. I feel this brutal attack has begun to unite the country and will be one of the triggers for a powerful revival in the days to come.

Apostolic Cities Targeted

In the war room of the enemy, I feel other apostolic cities have been targeted – such as Los Angeles and San Francisco in this demonically inspired assault against America and the free nations of the world. Terror and panic ran in the streets of New York City and Washington, DC on that fateful morning as the world watched spears of terrorism struck the very heart of our people and government. Seemingly invincible, we now find that our walls have been broken down by the sin of our nation.

Secure the Boundaries

The boundaries of our nation and cities must be secured by the intercessory prayers of the church. Let us not be so foolish as to believe that there is only one terrorist attack planned against us. Chemical warfare and nuclear weapons in suitcases and backpacks are a frightening reality. Our government must make its plans for justice but the battle is primarily spiritual warfare engaged in the heavenly realms. This was an international, governmental confrontation between the forces of two kingdoms over the souls of men and women.

Radical intercessors that carry governmental weight have been assigned to the White House and governmental offices. Their prayers are releasing the arsenal of heaven, the blueprint plans from the throne room and activating the angelic to fight and hold the land over America.

A war cry has been released in the Spirit and God is calling His intercessors to rise up and stand at their posts. The prayers for our capitol did withhold the enemies attack against Washington, DC when the terrorist turned the plane away from the White House and hit the Pentagon located in Arlington, Va.

Battle for Time

I saw the Lord holding a golden scale and time was hanging in the balance. When President Bush won the election it gave us time to birth and mentor the next generation for the last days! It’s crucial to prepare, train, and equip the church for the great harvest before persecution escalates world wide.

Sons and Daughters

Are you ready for America’s sons and daughters to go to war? I feel prayer is vital to stave off a war because Satan wants to push the hand of God to bring us into a full-scale global conflict. He wants to destroy the next generation on the battlefield because he knows these are radical forerunners birthed like John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Lord’s return.

World-Wide Prayer Movement

When Jesus and John the Baptist were born the spirit of the anti-Christ moved powerfully through King Herod to destroy the seed and stop the purposes of God. The prayer movement is the young seed and the dragon of Revelation stands ready to devour it before it can mature in anointing and authority.

Many of the young people called to this movement could die on the wrong field of battle if Satan is able to bring on a full-scale war before the appointed time of the Lord. The battlefield is fought first with worship, fasting and intercession. These are the foundational stones on which everything else must be built in the last perilous days.

Dread champions of God, forerunners are being prepared as He purifies His bride. God is sovereign in the midst of global shakings as He is in all things. The Master Potter is as skillful in forming the destinies of nations as He is with individuals and uses the same refining fires to work His glory and reflection in us.

First Line of Defense

God is raising up fiery furnaces of prayer throughout the earth to counteract the rage of Satan and mobilize His troops. Prayer gives air cover for the army of God to take back territory (nations and cities).

Apostolic and Prophetic

Men and women are being birthed out of the prayer movement not only in the church, but in every arena of life. They will move prophetically contending for territory and resources. God will use them to finance food shipments and supplies across the globe in strategic counter moves of the Holy Spirit. Apostolic/prophetic government in the church will bring a dimension of power and authority missing in the church for 2,000 years as persecution and martyrdom increase.

Financial Depression

Wall Street and financial systems are reeling and although weakened will recover to a degree before the next blow. This was only one of many attempts to bring down the financial structure of America and the nations of the world in order to usher in a one-world government.

Daniels, Who Know the Times and Seasons

The Lord chose not to reveal this attack to his prophets. Why? He wants to awaken His church to the seriousness of this hour and bring forth an army of Daniels who discern the times and seasons. After the fact, we can all prophesy in part but the Lord wants to up-the-ante by driving us into His heart with desperate neediness and intimate longing. His goal is to reveal the enemy’s plans before they happen. Historically the Lord has brought revival and the outpouring of His Spirit in order to prepare His bride for upcoming satanic assaults.

Can we hear the rumbling in the spirit realm as the Father’s wrath is increased against His enemy and the bride struggles to awaken and shake off her lethargy and lukewarm heart? Today is the day of proclaiming and declaring the goodness of God who is unrelenting in His determination and commitment to shake us loose from all that hinders love for His Son.

America is a Gatekeeper Nation

We were birthed to be a reflection of the freedom and liberty found only in Christ Jesus … a force to maintain world peace. America has a destiny in God as one who fights for the disenfranchised with the economic might of our wealth and resources. That mantle rests upon us and the whole world watches to see what we will do and how we will react. If our financial system comes down the needy peoples of the earth will be without an advocate and the financial systems in other nations will be shaken and sweep into the New World Order.

Marshal Law

Our very freedom handicaps us in fending off terrorist attacks because we are an open society. Fear and paranoia can cause us to shut down and no longer be the gatekeeper nation we were created to be. The principalities and powers in high places want us so fearful that we would no longer allow those who desperately need us within our borders. Their goal is to infuse us with an unholy desire for protection and security outside of Christ.

God has used this country to reach millions of starving peoples, famine, and earthquake victims around the world. We have been used to build up entire nations and financial systems through the years following World War II by showing mercy and forgiveness to our enemies. Is there any wonder the enemy would want to bring us staggering to our knees and fill us with fear and anxiety?

I understand that airports, government, communications and financial institutions need top security but we must not become fear-driven as a nation or we move out of wisdom into bondage and slavery. Just where the enemy wants us! We need to be careful that as citizens we don’t bargain away our freedom from overzealousness in the name of protecting and preserving American lives and freedom. This could ultimately backlash on us especially if we allowed a dictatorship to come into place in the future.

President Bush

The Lord wants to deliver this nation by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit through His church and with a president on bended knees. I cannot say enough about covering this man and his counselors with prayer. Pray for the safety and wisdom of our President and that the enemy would not be able to take him out. Pray for holy boldness so he would speak forth with such clarity that the nation will rally behind him.

His decisions in the upcoming days and years will affect not only the future of this nation but also the global purposes of God in the end times. I believe the Lord is bringing a divine network of apostles and prophets behind the scenes to give strategic revelatory information directly from the Throne.


Right now we are in alignment with Israel concerning the Islamic terrorism that has violated her freedom for 53 years but I fear that in the days of testing this country may ask, “Why should we continue to take hits for standing with Israel?” When terrorism hits our pocketbooks, our own children and the street outside our homes on Shady Lane, USA, what will our response be?

Martyrdom for Allah

A suicide mission in the name of Allah! Will we fight as the Islamic brotherhood, utterly united in one cause for their god? They are linked arm and arm in purpose and vision … willing to die rather than see their perceived enemies (Israel & America) take territory that does not belong to them. When one falls the next one in line takes up the banner and charges on! A few men armed with knives, fear and violence took down the economic and military systems of the wealthiest, strongest nation in the world! They did a great exploit for their god!

Martyrdom for Christ

If that is so, think how much more a few men and women burning with violent love for Jesus can shake the world they live in and turn it upside down. I pray that we will we be as the ones in Revelation 12:11 who overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and the fact that they did not love their lives unto death.

Until He is our magnificent obsession we will not lock arms in unity of purpose and vision, esteeming our brothers more than ourselves and loving beyond our petty offenses. This is what it will take to birth the seed of those called to give up their lives in martyrdom and bring about the return of the Glorious Man, Jesus Christ.

Holy Challenge - “Business as Usual”

During this critical hour churches in cities throughout America are unifying in a bold prayer initiative crying for mercy and justice but I wonder if a month from now or 6 months from now … will we be in the prayer rooms and in our closets in petition and supplications for our cities and nation as the threat of impending violence looms before us? Out of this horrific devastation the Lord wants to birth a historic revival and outpouring of His spirit bringing in the great harvest so that the Glory of His Son might be revealed.

Time to Repent!

We share the anguish and grief of those who are suffering such loss but recognize at the same time that this is a wake up call to America and the church to return to the Lord with all of our hearts. The only defense we have against terrorist is the security of knowing the passionate burning heart of our Lord for His bride. God is calling the nation to repent for her sins and cry out for a spiritual revival and a break in of His glory.

Who Will Stand in the Gap? The eyes of the Lord are traveling to and fro looking for righteous men and women who will stand in the gap – intercessors who will identify with these horrendous sins and plead for reconciliation with God. Out of the ash heap of destruction and pain we need to pray, “Oh God have mercy and heal our land. Bring a fresh revival and cleansing to my heart and show me personally where I have compromised and fallen away from first love. Let revival start with me and then bring it to the nation.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”
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