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November 2004

The Prophet's House is Rising

Brick by brick, and stone by stone, the prophetic house of Jill Austin is being finished, high in the Hollywood Hills!

What has become a testimony of "full-circle prophecy" is slowly becoming more and more reality as Jill Austin has officially moved into her new home, not far from where she originally grew up. God gave us a beautiful old home to rent, overlooking Hollywood, just above the Hollywood Bowl where peaceful balconies provide the perfect resting place for our Mama Jill.

As wonderful as this old home is, it was in definite need of some "updating!" The prophet's house has received numerous coats of paint, new furniture, new lighting, new kitchen tile, and some much needed air conditioning units! The house is looking fabulous, but there is still work to be done.

We are so thankful to Jesus that He has provided a place of radical encounters right here in Hollywood where we continue to be amazed as we realize how the Lord is going to use this "prophet's house" to be a center of revival for the Hollywood industry, the Church at large, and governmental leaders right here on the West Coast. The city that has influence will be influenced with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

In the midst of all this personal moving and shaking, Prophet Jill Austin has managed to find time to finish her life-changing audio project, Visitations - Volume I - The Epic of God's Heart . The 2-CD set features Jill Austin, Heidi Baker, and Ana Mendez-Ferrell on the first CD describing their personal, radical encounters with Christ in the first person set to cutting edge, God-inspired music. The second CD is the actual instrumental tracks by themselves to be used as a tool for your own times of secret-place prayer, intercession, and visitation.

This CD set was truly birthed in the fire of intercession and renewal. The personal re-tellings of face-to-face encounters with Jesus accompanied by truly ground-breaking music will shake the very core of your heart, and lead you ever closer to the face of Jesus.

This CD project has been a labor of love in the heart of Jill Austin and the results confirm. After many long nights in the studio with Jill personally directing and producing the music to accompany the prophetic visitations, the Visitations CD has become a tool that will help all who hear to fly higher in the Spirit.

Master Potter has been able to play previews of this new and radical recording to different groups of people across the nation, and the results have been remarkable! The Body of Christ has responded with great enthusiasm to the Visitations CDs, and many are finding themselves taken to new places with Christ.

Learn more about the Visitations CDs >>

Christmas Is Coming, Give the Gift of Jesus!

Christmas is rapidly approaching, and many of us are searching for the perfect gift to give to our family and loved ones. Why not give the gift of Jesus this year? The Visitations 2-disc set is now available and will be a gift that will not only delight saved and unsaved family alike, but can powerfully change their lives! Visit the Master Potter store for other wonderful gift ideas or call our office to order this special project now!

Also, during a special Holiday offer, you will receive a limited edition poster print of the Visitations CD artwork, signed by the artist, Ed Tuttle, for your gift of $150 or more to Master Potter Ministries! This beautiful original artwork will inspire you as you meditate on the life-giving power of Jesus Christ. It will make a great gift, and is perfect for hanging in your home, office, or work place. Your gifts help make this ministry possible and allow us to touch the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ! To make your donation and receive this God-inspired print, please visit: or call our office today.

Touching Heaven, Changing Earth

Master Potter coming to Los Angeles has opened so many doors! The Lord is shifting Jill and allowing her to speak the Word of the Lord to studio executives, actors and actresses, and business leaders. Jill realizes the government that lies in the heart of Hollywood, and she desperately desires to shift it for God.

But deep in the heart of this prophet, there lies another desire: To reach the forsaken and the forgotten of the Nations. 2005 will open doors for Jill Austin to minister in the strategic nations of the world, including Africa, New Zealand, Israel, Cambodia, Vietnam and Korea. Government and church leaders are throwing open the doors for Jill to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these nations and many more.

We live in perilous and dangerous times. We live in a world that is ever shrinking, and we need the prophetic voice of the Lord to change and shift the hearts of the Nations. How awesome that God can change the Nations, and it could start in the heart of Hollywood, here in the prophet's house! Hollywood is a city that satan thinks he owns. But it will be from this very city that God will release the blueprints for revival!! Not just for the rich and powerful, but for the needy of the earth. Jill Austin knows that she is just one small part of how God is moving, but she has given her life to fulfill the mandate that God has placed on her to speak His voice to the Nations.


Most ministers never travel to these forgotten nations, simply because most of these nations cannot pay for travel expenses or accommodations, much less an honorarium.

But Jill believes that should not stop the Gospel! 2004 has been a life-changing year for Jill Austin. But it has not been without cost, both physically and emotionally. We here at Master Potter desire to see Jill able to rest from now until well after the New Year. But that requires Jill to turn down speaking engagements and stay off the road. This time of rest and secret place prayer with the Lord is so needed for Jill to embrace this new season in her life.

We are also in need to finish the renovations on Jill's house. There are simple things to be done, like replacing toilets that don't work properly, fixing the furnace so that there is heat through the winter, and updating the original stove from the 50's. Would you prayerfully consider giving to this ministry? We know that as you touch Heaven with your sacrificial gift, you are touching Earth with your love.

Will you partner with us to provide a season of rest for this prophet who so desperately needs time off the road to recover? Will you join the team of supporters who've come together to send Jill around the globe? Will you invest in the hearts of the people of the world? Your generous gift will allow Jill to bring the heart of the Father to those who truly need His touch.

Your end-of-the-year, tax-deductible gift allows Jill to hide away during the Holidays and hear from the Lord. We all love the prophetic, but how many of us are willing to invest in the prophetic in our life?

Donate and become a Master Potter partner >>

We thank you for your loving gifts during this Holiday season and we at Master Potter are standing with you as you seek the radical realms of God in this New Year! We cherish your prayers and your love during this time of transition with Master Potter.

We look so forward to staying in touch with you throughout as this whirlwind of change settles for the new life of the Hollywood Prophet. May the Holidays be a time of joy and love for you. We'll be in touch again soon!

Practical Needs of Master Potter Ministries

Jill Austin and Master Potter Ministries would like to share some of the immediate ways that you, as supporters and fellow ministers, can enable the continued success of our ministry.
  • Office Furniture for new Master Potter staff
  • Updated technology for Jill Austin and Staff
  • Home Furnishings for the Jill's House
  • Finances while Jill is off the road and resting
  • Drapes, Bedroom Accessories, Kitchen Appliances, etc.

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