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June 2002

Master Potter’s Conference - Restoration of the Prophetic

Master Potter’s Prophetic Forerunners Conference built a scaffolding in the Spirit and created more of an opening at the Eastern Gate of Lee’s Summit for a fresh move of God to come, as has been prophesied!! The Lord prepared a banquet table for the desperate and the hungry to listen to Jim Goll, Jill Austin, Steve Carpenter, Andre Ashby, Randall Bane, several IHOP worship teams, and 13 workshop speakers share nuggets of gold from their deep history in God, giving keys and revelation in abundance. So many significant things happen that it is almost impossible to nutshell it in a newsletter!

Jim Goll gave a powerful teaching on the Elijah anointing – we see the Lord God of Elijah moving but where are the Elijahs of today? Jim declared that God has been inhaling the aroma of our sacrifices and He is about to exhale a blessing of His fire. Jim’s prophetic acts with the pulpit at the church will forever be a memory! “Out with the old and in with the new!” he declared! You had to be there to catch the significance of that statement!

Steve Carpenter’s profound and masterful eloquence with the messages about the Ethiopian eunuch and the prodigal son carried such depth and heart that you could see the people getting revelation as he shared God’s heart with such enthusiasm. There were life-changing encounters with God during his ministry times.

Randall Bane and his dance troupe ushered in the presence of the Lord through his prophetic dance, pageantry, stunning banners, glorious music, and mime. There was a holy hush when he finished as the church sat in silence, seeing the Lord so exalted and beholding Him. The Lord wants to restore the arts to the church.

Listening to Andre Ashby prophetically singing the heart of the Lord would break open the room and bring in the strong presence of the Lord time and time again. His love for Jesus is reflected in his passionate singing.

One evening Jill gave a strong governmental word dealing with Joseph that set in motion a great healing, reconciliation and restoration with Jim Goll and the people of Kansas City. There were many tears as the people gathered around him and embraced him, welcoming him back to the city. This is part of the healing and restoration that the Lord is doing in this city as the prophetic is being restored.

It was as if the Lord and all of His angels were applauding. Suddenly the heavens opened and the Kabod of God came; the wonderful presence of the weighty glory invaded the room. People had dramatic power encounters and angelic encounters as the fire sovereignty touched them. When Jill was giving fiery prophetic words, there were demonstrations of power as the prophetic was declared with authority and anointing over people.

One woman was having a visitation and Jill asked her to describe what she was seeing. She had great difficulty speaking because what she was seeing was so intense. She saw that angels had come to put mantles of fire on some of the people. There was a sense of the fear of the Lord and the holiness of God in the room because God was truly in the house. Many other people were having visions. A woman saw a traffic flow of angels coming in and out of the room. Steve Carpenter saw a rainbow of angels in the room.

Please Note: Jill will be holding two more conferences this year at Christ Triumphant Church in Lee’s Summit on Sept. 26-29 and Dec. 5-8, 2002. Many key players in the body of Christ have told Jill that they want to minister at her conferences so we are seeking the Lord about the timing to bring them in.

Visitations in Denmark

One of the greatest joys we have in ministering is watching the Lord impacting people so they are ruined for the ordinary. Jill and Linda both had the privilege of speaking at Denmark’s National Aglow Conference near Copenhagen in early May.

Transition in the Leadership of the National Aglow The meetings in Denmark were a strategic and governmental time for Jill to come and prophetically confirm the transition to a new President of the National Aglow because Tove Mommer, the National President of the Denmark Aglow, went to be with Jesus a couple of months before our conference. We had met Tove and her daughter while ministering at the late Ruth Heflin’s camp meetings in Virginia a few years ago. Her daughter attended this conference as a representative of her mother and the Lord powerfully touched her life with prophetic words mingled with the fire of God that brought visitation to her!

The Code of Silence

In ministering to the women (a number of men also attended!), Jill was startled by their conservative and reserved manner. It was as though a code of silence had muzzled their voices as they sat as passive, silent observers. The Lutheran Church is the state church and its conservative stance has not given women a place in the body of Christ. The Free Church and Pentecostal branch is a bit freer but women are still very restricted.

A Governmental Word - Where Are My Voices in Denmark? The following morning the Lord gave Jill a prophetic word that unlocked their hearts and will affect the nation of Denmark because it challenged and activated the people. Each nation has a contribution to make to the body of Christ and His plea was for the people of Denmark to come up to the table of the Lord and break the unusual silence. His haunting questions pierced their hearts – “Where are my prophets and preachers and teachers if nobody is a voice in the nation? Are you going to only import others to be a voice while you sit in silence?” Of course Jill is always willing to come and share because her heart is multiplication so everyone is equipped with the gifts and the power of the Holy Spirit, but what about all of them being activated?

Jill felt led to share a vision the Lord had given her of a prophetic eagle rending the heavens. It was shot down by the religious spirits and dragged into a cave so it no longer had a voice to pierce the heavens. The place “exploded” with heavy grief and painful weeping as they thought of the lost years of silence that had aborted their prophetic callings.

An apostolic father came forward and repented to the women for spiritual abuse and released them to prophesy, to pray, to preach, to teach, and to bring salvation to the lost. As the Holy Spirit gripped their hearts, calling them in to their fresh destinies, they prayed for each other and sobbed in each other’s arms.

Why Can’t People Hear the Voice of the Lord?

In an afternoon session, Linda Valen talked about her prophetic journey of hearing the voice of the Lord and shared her journeys of faith with Jesus. She felt that the #1 reason people can’t hear the Lord’s voice is because they have issues with their earthly fathers. How we see God is filtered through our father … so what is/was your father like? That is how you see and respond to God! This brought many tears as women came forward who needed to forgive their father for things in their past or present. The enemy lost a lot of ground that afternoon and that is fantastic!

Sudden Outbreaks of God!

By the evening meeting, the people were no longer passive observers but activated participants who were freely dancing, praying, waving banners, crying, and laughing! It was a totally different group of people!!!! The prophetic was moving with fire, there were pools of glory in many parts of the room and people were being sovereignly gripped by God! Jill gave the microphone to the National Aglow President and had her release the fire on rows of people. When they all fell down her faith level soared and she could be seen praying for people the rest of the conference!

A Visitation of God’s Heart for the Mentally Ill

There was a young woman who had been praying for many years for healing and deliverance to break out so broken people could be free. When the fire of God touched her, she suddenly felt the hand of Jesus in her hand and she also felt His desire to heal people and set them free.

Her painful cries were so intense that she said it made her feel like she was having a “baby”. She began to feel the heart of God to heal people and His desire came like a strong pressure within her (like waves of contractions) that got stronger and stronger. It was such an intense and powerful burden that her body was not able to carry or contain it. The more she cried out, the more it intensified. She couldn’t stand any longer as it took over her body.

Then the Lord’s heart was revealed to her. He said He wanted to set people free from their bondages. He wanted this so much and it was such a powerful desire of His. The Father Himself said He had such a big heart for those who are mentally sick in their mind and He was so sad.

This came with such strong feelings that it was hard for her to even speak. His heartfelt words resounded inside of her – “I want to have the right to heal those who are mentally ill. I want there to be a place to heal them! It is in My heart to heal them!!!” She felt His sorrow that His children, as Christians, don’t give Him the place and the room IN FAITH to heal in these ways. This was the Father’s heart!

As she proclaimed this with an ever deepening intensity, people started weeping throughout the room. People told her later that her word was like a sword that pierced their heart and they wept and wept because they also felt the Father’s heart to heal such brokenness.

The Roar of God Breaks Dividing Walls

A terminally ill woman felt the fire of God touch her and she did things she had never seen or done before in her life. Suddenly she was having a visitation – an incredible encounter with the Lord! She started roaring and roaring and roaring!!! You could see the intensity in her eyes and that she was seeing into another realm.

She had a vision of Denmark with all kinds of houses that had walls all around them. There was an open heaven over the land but there were many walls that were dividing the land. When she’d roar, a wall would fall down and a fire would start! As she watched this, she felt that the Lord was going to tear down the walls between the Christians all over Denmark! When the whole country was without walls, she could see small fires in every home. It was so warm and glorious and loving. Suddenly the small fires became a HUGE bonfire that consumed the whole country of Denmark!

Jill had all the terminally ill people come forward to join her and asked that anyone else who was should come too. The people prayed with such a vengeance against disease and great faith was released.

Praise Reports

Breaking news! Jill just signed a contract for her book, Master Potter, before she got on the plane for Denmark!!! After such a long time and much prayer, a breakthrough has come!! Destiny Image wants Jill’s book and is very excited to publish it!! Jill is very happy with the terms of the contract as well. Destiny Image feels like the book is too long for one book and wants to make Master Potter into two books. They also would like her to write a third book. We’ll have to see about that!

It is a joy that we can announce the addition of Richard and Bonnie Woods to our Master Potter family! Bonnie will take Mary Wiens’ place doing the bookkeeping as well as miscellaneous administrative tasks. We deeply appreciate the great job Mary did for us and we will miss her very much … but her husband’s ministry is in need of her help! Richard is an Electrical Contractor and will seek part time work in his field. They are both wonderful intercessors and have come to be like Aaron and Hur to help hold up the arms of this ministry. They come with a rich history in God and they both love the anointing and love the Presence of the Lord.

The Lord has blessed us with a donation to buy a computer we need that can handle a graphics/publishing program!! This person attended one of Jill's classes from out of town and was so blessed by her ministry. Such generosity overwhelms us but the Lord knows our needs and He is supplying them in surprising ways!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our final preparations of editing and art work for our book, Master Potter!
  • The administration portion of our website needs to be completed so we can keep you informed via email newsletters and prayer letters.
  • Stand in the gap for our staff: Jill’s health and strength during her heavy ministry schedule; Wendy as she travels with Jill as her intercessor/assistant; Linda who covers the office and organizes all conferences; Bonnie as she assumes her new position as our bookkeeper; Richard as he helps with the various needs of the ministry.

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