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October 1999

Dear Special Friends of Master Potter,

It’s the changing of the seasons from summer to fall and I can feel the coolness of the day and the evenings now. Along with this change in the natural, there are changes going on in the Spirit realm as well. It seems that everyone in a period of transition, change or shaking! Do you know anyone who isn’t experiencing this right now? I have a number of friends in the ministry that feel the Lord is calling them aside from the road for the rest of his year to seek His face and not His hand.

We have been in an unusual place most of this year and it is still that way for us. Back in May, I met with the Board of Directors and they asked me to go off the road to finish my book. They knew and I knew the Lord was telling me that this book was a "mandate," not just a neat idea. For the past five months I have been writing the book non-stop, along with another gifted friend of mine, Madeline Watson.

In talking to several authors recently, they said that their books took them several years to write, and some of them went off the road to do it. This made me feel a little better because I am close to the finish line now! This is my first book and it is a creative project, an allegory of the Potter and His clay vessels. Most people have tapes transcribed, an editor cleans it up, and the book is published. That is a lot easier to do!

Everything relating to the ministry and my personal life has been put on hold in this season to carry out this "mandate". I have done only a few conferences so our income from the road has been almost non-existent, the long hours of writing have been demanding physically and spiritually, and I am tired! I can’t work any harder than I am!

Off the Road Again

Two days ago I found out that Madeline is only able to help me until the end of this year (we thought we would finish it by late September), then she has other responsibilities and commitments. It is absolutely critical that she continue to work with me until the book is done to keep the writing style and language consistent. Because of this, I am now in a place of having to look at our calendar and make some hard decisions. Outside of our Alaska/Hawaii trip, I am going to cancel the rest of this year to finish my book.

I have a great expectancy that God is going to do significant things on this upcoming trip to Alaska (the gateway to Russia) and Hawaii (the gateway to the Far East). Even though I am going on the road, our need for finances is still very much needed! People like you have "carried" us during this season and I thank you for your love and care!!! I love you!


Mary Johnston, Our Webmaster

I want to give a special thank you to Mary, a dear friend here in Kansas City, who has designed and maintained our website as a gift to the ministry. She has won awards for websites and has done an exciting and creative work with ours! Thank you, Mary, for such a wonderful gift of love! Have you visited our website lately?

Intercessors Prayer Shield Team

Your prayers for Jill, Linda, Madeline, Dwana, Laura, and Master Potter are deeply appreciated! Thank you! What you are doing is really making the difference and we’re honored to have you as watchmen on the wall for us! To be a part of our Intercessors Prayer Shield Team, please visit the Prayer Warriors section of our web site to sign up!!!

Office News and Updates:

Continue to ask the Lord for physical stamina, revelation, and creativity for Jill and Madeline as they write for 10 hours a day, 3 days a week!!! Dwana May put her house of the market and it sold in 2 days and she will be moving to Mississippi by October 15!

Linda Valen and Laura McDowell are carrying extra work loads while we continue to pray for a God-ordained office administrator to join us! This is not just a secretarial position we are trying to fill. It involves being a "point person" for our ministry while working with pastors and leaders on a national and international level and carrying on the various affairs that are involved to keep the many aspects of our office organized and running smoothly. We believe the Lord will bring this person at the right time and with that, we go about the Father’s business.

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