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April 2005
Master Potter Newsletter - April, 2005
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From Visitation to City Transformation
How One Encounter with God Can Change the Course of History

Greetings History-Shakers!

With my own recent move to California, this teaching has weighed heavy on my heart. May it bless and encourage you to press in for visitations that radically change your cities and nations!

So many Christians in America…yet so few cities that have been truly transformed for Jesus Christ. Why does this paradox pervade our society? We passionately cry out for nations to be saved in a day, yet our local spheres of influence remain largely unchanged year after year.

From Visitation to City Transformation
How One Encounter with God Can Change the Course of History

How can we press in to see our cities transformed? To become a history shaker, each of us personally needs a radical visitation with the King of Glory. He will ruin you and awaken your birthright. The Bible essentially is an anthology of a covenantal loving God continually pursuing His Bride. These life-changing and powerful testimonies reveal how one person’s visitation with God can change the course of human history.

Pressing in for Another Great Awakening
Beloved, close your eyes and imagine what your God is capable of doing. Envision the God of the universe creating cities. Can’t He transform them as well?

Let’s examine the historical seeds of past revivals: Legend reads that Jonathan Edwards, before the birthing of The Great Awakening in 1743, made a covenant with God. Walking down to a river bank, he stood before God crying out for revival to hit his land. Drawing a circle in the sand, he pledged that before God could take this city – this region – this nation, he must start here … as he pointed to the circle.

Then Jonathan Edwards stepped into the circle. For a nation to be gripped with revival, a man must first be fully gripped by God. Personal visitations are the catalyst for revival.

Revival Starts with You
To shake the nations for God, you must first let God shake you. If we simply study the scriptures and treat the Bible as the Word of God, there is a common thread woven throughout all the history makers of the Bible: visitations precede city transformation.

When we hear about radical visitations, we may think, “That’s awesome for Moses (See Show Me Your Glory), the Apostle Paul or Benny Hinn, but that would never happen to little old me.” But beloved, perhaps the reverse is true! What if it was their personal visitations that caused these heroes of faith to walk out their incredible destinies?

Maybe you have never dared to believe that God wants to meet with you. Throughout history, God uses weak, broken vessels whose very fragility is the perfect conduit for His glory and power. God does not wait until we have “arrived” in our destiny to encounter us - visitations are a key part of commissioning. (For 6 awesome teachings, including Changing History Through Radical Prayer and Do You Want A Visitation? get the Pearl Collection Volume 4: Prayer & Intercession.)

The Bible: Guidebook or History Book?

Seventy percent of the Bible consists of radical visitations, trances, dreams, visions, signs and wonders, angelic encounters, and other supernatural accounts! We need to go back to the Bible. If God is not a respecter of persons, could it be that God might want to radically meet with you? In order to build your faith for your own personal visitation, we will first expose many modern day myths and then visit many of our forefather’s encounters. This will lay a biblical foundation for you to press in and contend for your own visitation. (For an excellent teaching on this topic, purchase the Intercession and Divine Encounters.)

Unbelief of the Western Mindset
The Western church is barren because of logic and intellectualism. We know the Word of God but lack the experience of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, church is little more than a routine social club without mass salvations, deliverances and suffering humanity being touched by God. We claim to believe that the Word of God is true, yet somehow we ignore the fact that God has commissioned us to walk in greater works than He did. Miracles are not an option, but rather a trademark of basic Christianity 101. But why is there such a resistance and fear of the supernatural?

One of the lies he feeds us is that if you move in the supernatural realm, you will slip into deception. However, what this is really implying is that God isn’t able to protect us through the Holy Spirit. We are more afraid of satan deceiving us than we are desperate to experience God! If God was able to keep us before we even knew Him, how much more is your Father in Heaven able to lead you into all truth with His Word as the glorious boundary line? (I tackle the topic of fear in the teaching, Hearing the Voice of God.)

Fear of Deception

Satan is unable to create anything new, so he simply counterfeits the authentic. His first line of defense is to make us afraid of the supernatural. When we believe this, he has won!For example, let’s see if fear haunts your heart. When you think of someone being transported, is your first thought of New Age astral projection? Or do you remember Phillip’s translation when he shared the Gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch or Elijah’s transportation by the Spirit of God (Acts 8:29, I Kings 18:12-15; II Kings 2:1-18)?

Two Kingdoms Clashing
Because Christians have not walked in their inheritance, satan has been able to offer a counterfeit – The New Age Movement. For example, the rainbow is God’s original symbol of His covenant. Satan has perverted this supernatural symbol as the trademark of the New Age Movement.

Two Governments Chasing After the Souls of Men

Unfortunately, because the church has not fulfilled its basic job assignment for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, the world looks for the supernatural in other places. Like starving souls in the desert, people are so thirsty for the supernatural that they will hunt for it wherever they can. When they cannot find it in the church, they will find it in the world. Instead of finding the refreshing living waters of the supernatural, they have had to settle on merely drinking the sand of the New Age ideas. (For your reading enjoyment, pick up my series Master Potter and Master Potter & The Mountain of Fire, which provides a refreshing dose of the true supernatural things of God in a literary allegory).

Let’s look at some biblical examples of revolutionists who did great exploits for God and their supernatural visitations.

The Father of our Faith – Abraham

God first appeared to Abram while he was worshipping pagan gods. This divine call was based on God’s grace, not Abram’s faithfulness. Visitations are not dependent on our track records. The sovereignty of God suddenly interrupted Abram’s life as the Lord promised that He would make him a mighty nation. Appearing as a burning oven and fiery torch, this visitation changed Abram's name to Abraham, increased His faith to believe for the impossible that his barren wife would become pregnant even in their old age and helped establish Abram as the father of the nations. Meeting with his Maker, caused Abram to know that it is The Creator of the stars – not his own abilities – which would eventually fulfill this prophecy.

Contending for a Blessing
Jacob’s second visitation occurred in Genesis 32:27 where he wrestled with an angel contending, "I will not let You go unless You bless me!" How could Jacob have the confidence to make this demand? Divine encounters gave him the ability to press into his prophetic promises and demand God’s blessing, even if he had to wrestle through the night! It is through these private encounters with the Lord that we become transformed ones – subdued by the power of God. Two heavenly visions and Jacob was eternally changed from a wanderer to a worshipper.

Let’s look at Abraham’s grandson, Jacob the deceiver, as he fled for his life. We assume that one as manipulative as Jacob would not deserve a visitation. Again, our righteousness is not what qualifies us for visitations – it is our hunger that God cannot resist. In Genesis 28:10, Jacob suddenly sees a ladder with angels ascending and descending. The Lord reestablishes The Abrahamic Covenant, promising Jacob that his descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth. Beloved, you cannot let your past disqualify you from pressing in for an encounter. Encounters produce faith; faith is then what propels us to fulfill the impossible tasks that God is asking of us. (For more encouragement from the story of Jacob, get my teaching, The Beauty of Brokenness).

Isaiah: Commissioned by Fiery Coals
Would you like to have seraphim fire brand you with a coal to be commissioned as a prophet to the nations? Isaiah experienced this! Why not you? Visitations are more than radical joyrides in the Spirit: Encounters will alter your DNA, download you with fresh blueprint plans, and ruin you for anything less.
A modern day Isaiah 6 happened to a pastor I know who had a radical visitation. She saw an altar with a Man standing behind it with a knife in His hand. He told her to get on the altar.

Modern Day Visitations
Christianity is not a spectator sport! Visitations are essential. Comb through the scriptures and try finding one hero of faith whose life was not interrupted by the supernatural. You can’t!

Visitations: More Than Our Inheritance…It’s Our Prophetic Destiny!

I have been a cheerleader of the Manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit for decades. In 1987, I had a 21-day visitation where I met with the Lord from 3 in the afternoon until 7 in the morning. (Detailed in my teaching, Desperation, Visitation, and Anointing). Through intense times of intercession and hearing His heart for nations, God met with me throughout each night. During these open heaven experiences, He taught me many mysteries of how to move with the Holy Spirit, the different kinds of fires and anointings, and how to open up the heavens. These visitations transformed my ministry from just praying for individuals to a corporate anointing where pools of glory and radical encounters with Jesus pervade my meetings. What you touch in heaven, you can bring down to earth.

She started screaming, “No! No! No!” Finally, when she said “yes” and willingly climbed on the altar, wings closed around her, and a hot coal of fire was put on her mouth. Suddenly, she was traveling in the Spirit, flying to the nations where the Lord revealed cities and individuals she would meet in the future.

He said, "I have called you to be a prophetess, an oracle and a voice!” This visitation was an ordination of the prophetic for her, as the Lord did a divine download. (For more examples of visitations, listen to the Visitations Volume I CD-Set or the Visitations Series)

The Challenge: Contending for Your Own Visitation
We have to be desperate for God to the point of devastation to have more of Him. What lengths do we go to have more of God? Why not contend for your own personal visitation? Here is the key: as much as you want to meet with God, He passionately desires to encounter you. Why not you? Wherever your feet hit the ground, God wants you to invade your sphere of influence. From schools to the grocery store to your neighborhoods, God wants to ruin your cities – one life at a time.

Press in!

Upcoming Itinerary

Here's the schedule for the summer. Please pray for us over the next month as we take our trip to the nations!

  • April 29-30; Denton, Texas - Standing Under the Window of Heaven & Receiving A New Wind of Pentecost with Chuck Pierce
  • May 16-18; Seoul, Korea - The United Christian Spiritual Movement of Korea
  • May 26-June 4; Pemba, Mozambique - Ministering with Heidi Baker, Iris Ministries
  • June 15-20; Bakersfield, CA - Holy Fire 2005 - Living in the Anointing
  • June 23-25; Portland, OR - Facedown in the Glory with Timothy and Glenda Sherman
  • July 14-17; Redlands, CA - Prophetic Evangelism Conference w/ Doug Addison and Shawn Bolz
  • July 20-23; Miami, FL - Deborah Company Women's Conference with Cindy Jacobs
  • August 16-21; Pasadena, CA - HIM Conference
  • September 11-15; Bakersfield, CA - Way of the Watchmen: Advancing the Kingdom in Days of Conflict

View the itinerary details >> You can request Jill to speak at your church engagement or conference by sending an email with the details of your event to: >>

Special Donation Needs

We have many financial needs coming up in the next few months with new projects on the rise. This month, it is essential that we receive your support for the following:

  • Trip to the Nations - Our goal is to raise $25,000 to send our team of four to Seoul, Korea and Mozambique. Here's where were at now:
  • We're Still House-Hunting! The office and Jill need to move out of the Hollywood Hills home, into separate buildings. We are believing that God may lead some of you to come forward with finances or creative ways to enable us to make this happen. Here's what we're needing:
    • 3 bedroom 2 bath home in the Los Angeles area - assistance with a downpayment, mortgage, or rent - appx $2500/month.
    • Small office in strategic Los Angeles location, preferably close to home, appx $2500/month.
    • First and last month's rent
    • Moving expenses, phone installations, network hook-ups.
  • New laptop for Jill - her's has met its end. Maybe you know of a good discount, or can donate a laptop to us - estimated cost $2000.
  • Adobe Creative Suite Premium (Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, InDesign) for Product Development - $1229

If you can help with any of these items, please submit your donation at: or send an email to: >>


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